

:2024-09-18 13:40:02:

±¾ÎÄÕªÒª£ºSamsung has made a lot of money selling smartphones based on Google¡¯s Android operating system. So why is Samsung trying again (and again, and again) to build out a competing operating system?ÈýÐÇ£¨Samsung£©ÒÐÀµ¹È¸è£¨Google£©µÄ°²×¿²Ù×÷ϵͳÔçÒÑ׬µ½Á˺ܶàÇ®¡£

Samsung has made a lot of money selling smartphones based on Google¡¯s Android operating system. So why is Samsung trying again (and again, and again) to build out a competing operating system?ÈýÐÇ£¨Samsung£©ÒÐÀµ¹È¸è£¨Google£©µÄ°²×¿²Ù×÷ϵͳÔçÒÑ׬µ½Á˺ܶàÇ®¡£ÄÇôÈýÐÇΪʲô»¹ÒªÖظ´³¢ÊÔ½¨¹¹×Ô¼ºµÄ²Ù×÷ϵͳÄØ£¿Android, which is open source, is free for Samsung to install on its Galaxy phones, Note mini-tablets, and other connected devices. It allows Samsung to outsource to Google the concerns of planning of future features, locking down security, and maintaining a marketplace, the Play Store, with more than 1.5 million apps. Best of all, it actually earns Samsung a cut of Google¡¯s mobile advertising revenue.ÈýÐÇ¿ÉÒÔÃâ·ÑÔÚÆäGalaxyϵÁÐÊÖ»ú¡¢NoteϵÁÐƽ°åºÍÆäËüÉæ¼°É豸ÉϼÓ×°°²×¿µÄ¿ªÔ´ÏµÍ³¡£ÈýÐÇÏàµÈÓڰѹ滮δÀ´¹¦ÄÜ¡¢±£Ö¤ÏµÍ³°²È«ºÍÈ·±£Ó¦ÓÃÓÚÊг¡£¨¹È¸èµÄ¹Ù·½Ó¦ÓÃÓÚÊг¡Play StoreÔçÒÑÏíÓÐ150¶àÍò¿îÓ¦ÓÃÓÚ£©µÄÈÎÎñ¶¼¶ª¸øÁ˹ȸè¡£×îÃîµÄÊÇ£¬ÈýÐÇ»¹ÄܴӹȸèµÄÒƶ¯¹ã¸æÊÕÒæÖзÖÒ»±­¸þ¡£

So why would Samsung bother with its own operating system? Because it can.ÄÇôÈýÐÇΪʲô»¹Òª´ó·ÑÖÜÕÂÈ¥½¨¹¹×Ô¼ºµÄ²Ù×÷ϵͳÄØ£¿ÒòΪËüÄÜ×ö¡£Samsung has tried many times to launch a phone running Tizen, an open-source operating system it is co-developing with Intel. It has made many promises along the way, such as using the OS for its high-end flagship devices. This week, it revealed that it would instead chase low-end devices in emerging markets such as India¡ªan acknowledgement that, despite its efforts, Tizen lacks traction. (Neither Samsung nor Google responded to requests for comment.)ÈýÐÇÔçÒѶà´Î³¢ÊÔ¹«²¼ÔËÓªTizenϵͳµÄÊÖ»úÁË£¬TizenÊÇÈýÐÇÓëÓ¢Ìضû£¨Intel£©¹²Í¬¿ª·¢µÄϵͳ¡£ÈýÐÇÔÚÕâ¸ö¹ý³ÌÖÐÒ²×öµ½¹ý²»ÉÙÔÊŵ£¬ÈçÐíŵÔÚËüµÄ¸ß¶ËÆì½¢»úÐÍÉÏÓÃÓÚTizenϵͳµÈµÈ¡£


£©The technology community has long questioned the merits of the Tizen project. On one hand, the mobile devices market is largely dominated by Apple¡¯s iOS and Google¡¯s Android, with Microsoft¡¯s Windows Phone and the BlackBerry OS trailing far behind. A strong third player would heighten competition and spur further innovation, and Samsung¡ªa massively successful manufacturer of devices around the globe¡ªis best positioned to be it.¿Æ¼¼½çÔçÒÑÔÚÅúÆÀTizenÏîÄ¿µÄ÷ÈÁ¦¡£Ò»·½Ã棬Òƶ¯É豸Êг¡Ï൱´ó³Ì¶ÈÉÏÊÇÓÉÆ»¹ûµÄiOSºÍ¹È¸èµÄ°²×¿Ö§Å䣬΢Èí¹«Ë¾£¨Microsoft£©µÄWindows PhoneºÍºÚÝ®£¨Blackberry£©µÄBlackBerry OS²»ÄÜÏà±ÈÖ®ÏÂÂäÔÚºóÃæÒಽÒàÇ÷¡£


¡°If anyone can succeed at building that third ecosystem, it¡¯s Samsung,¡± said Jeff Orr, senior practice director for mobile devices, content, and applications at ABI Research. ¡°They make their own CPUs, modems, displays, software . . . it makes sense they would have a strategy to move away from Google, rather than locking themselves into something outside their own control.¡±ABIÑо¿¹«Ë¾Òƶ¯É豸¡¢ÄÚÈÝÓëÓ¦ÓÃÓڸ߼¶ÒµÎñ×ܼà½Ü·òo°Â¶ûÈÏΪ£º¡°Èç¹û˵ÓÐÈËÄÜ˳Àû½¨¹¹µÚÈý´óÉú̬ϵͳ£¬ÄÇÒ»¶¨ÊÇÈýÐÇ¡£ËûÃÇÄÜÉú²ú×Ô¼ºµÄCPU¡¢µ÷Öƽâµ÷Æ÷¡¢ÏÔʾÆ÷¡¢Èí¼þ¡­¡­Òò´ËËûÃÇÕõÍѹȸèÒ²ÊÇ˵µÀµÃͨµÄ£¬¶ø²»ÊÇÖ®ºó°Ñ×Ô¼ºË©ÔÚ×Ô¼ºÎÞ·¨¿ØÖƵĶ«Î÷ÉÏ¡£

¡±On the other hand, previous operating systems (such as the ill-fated Palm OS) failed to disrupt an apparent duopoly. Less than five percent of smartphones around the world use operating systems that aren¡¯t Android or iOS, according to estimates by IDC, the market research firm. Does the Korean electronics giant really think there¡¯s room for one more?ÁíÒ»·½Ã棬֮ǰһЩ꼻¨Ò»ÏֵIJÙ×÷ϵͳ£¨ÈçÃüÔ˶àⶵÄPalm OS£©Ò²Î´Äܳ¬Ô½iOSºÍ°²×¿µÄË«Í·¶ÀÕ¼¡£¾ÝÊе÷»ú¹¹IDC¹À¼Æ£¬È«ÇòÓÃÓÚiOSºÍ°²×¿ÒÔÍâµÄÆäËü²Ù×÷ϵͳµÄÉ豸»¹ÑÏÖز»×ã5%¡£

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o A folder labeled ¡°Google¡± containing a large number of Google¡¯s apps and prominent placement of certain apps such as Gmail.o ±ØÐèÓÐÒ»¸öÃûΪ¡°¹È¸è¡±µÄÎļþ¼Ð£¬ÀïÃæ°üÀ¨´óÁ¿¹È¸èµÄÓ¦ÓÃÓÚ£¬±ÈÈçGmailµÈ³£ÓÃÓ¦ÓÃÓÚ¡£Those agreements, according to a September report from The Information, are intended to enforce ¡°consistency in the software experience by device makers.¡± Even before the newer agreements, there have been ¡°frequent fights about¡± modifications, ¡°particularly between Google and Samsung,¡± according to The Information.¾Ý¿Æ¼¼ÍøÕ¾The Information½ñÄê9ÔµÄһƪ±¨µ¼£¬ÕâЩЭÒéÄ¿µÄÍÆÕ¹¡°É豸ÖÆÔìÉÌ»ñÈ¡ÍêÈ«Ò»ÖµÄÈí¼þÌåÑ顱¡£

¾ÍÔÚ½üÆÚµÄЭÒéʵʩ֮ǰ£¬¹È¸èºÍ³§É̾ͳ£³£ÒòΪ¸ö±ðÌõ¿îÔٴη¢Éú¡°³£³£ÕùÖ´¡±£¬¡°ÌرðÊÇÔڹȸèÓëÈýÐÇÖ®¼ä¡£¡±Other companies have grabbed Android¡¯s open-source bits while avoiding Google¡¯s demands. Among them: Amazon (for its Kindle Fire tablets and Fire phone) and the Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi. Both technology companies offer versions of Android that look and feel different from Google¡¯s unadulterated version, yet are close enough at their core that developers can easily convert their apps for use in the Amazon Appstore or Xiaomi¡¯sMiMarket. In China, Xiaomi recently overtook Samsung by claiming 16 percent of the country¡¯s smartphone market. In the U.S., Amazon¡¯s Fire phone flopped.ÆäËü³§ÉÌÔÚÌÓÅÜ°²×¿¿ªÔ´µÄÒæ´¦µÄͬʱ£¬Ò²±ÜÃâÁ˹ȸèµÄ¾Ü¾ø¡£±ÈÈçÑÇÂíÑ·£¨ÓÈÆäÊÇËüµÄKindle Fireƽ°åµçÄÔºÍFireÊÖ»ú£©ºÍÖйúµÄСÃ×£¨Xiaomi£©¡£ÕâÁ½¼Ò¹«Ë¾¶¼»ñÈ¡µÄÊÇ°²×¿µÄ±äÖÖϵͳ£¬¸Ð¾õÉϺ͹ȸèµÄ¡°½à¾»°æ¡±°²×¿ºÜ²»Ò»Ñù£¬²»¹ý¿ª·¢ÕßÒ²¿ÉÒÔºÜÖ»ÄܵذÑËûÃǵÄÓ¦ÓÃÓڷdz£¼òµ¥¸Ä¶¯ºó·ÅÔÚÑÇÂíÑ·Appstore»òСÃ×É̳ÇÀï¡£

ÔÚÖйú£¬Ð¡Ã××î½üÉù³ÆÔçÒÑ´ò°ÜÁËÈýÐÇ£¬¹¥Õ¼ÁËÖйúÖÇÄÜÊÖ»úÊг¡16%µÄ·Ý¶î¡£¶øÔÚÃÀ¹ú£¬ÑÇÂíÑ·µÄFireÊÖ»úÔò¸æÖÕÁË¡£So far, Samsung has succeeded in differentiating its Galaxy phones, Note tablets, and other products from Android-based competitors. Daniel Gleeson, senior analyst with IHS Technology, believes Google¡¯s bundling is not really harming Samsung. ¡°Google is simply better than Samsung at building those apps, and of course they are apps that are widely known and loved by consumers. Samsung¡¯s strength is in its hardware engineering, not its software,¡± Gleeson said.µ½Ä¿Ç°ÎªÖ¹£¬ÈýÐÇÔÚGalaxyÊÖ»ú¡¢Noteƽ°åºÍÆäËüÉæ¼°²úÆ·µÄ²îÒ컯ÉÏ×öµ½µÃºÜ˳Àû¡£IHS Technology¹«Ë¾µÄ¸ß¼¶·ÖÎöʦµ¤Äá¶ûo¸ñÀïÉ­Ö¸³ö£¬¹È¸èµÄ¡°°óÏúÊÛ¡±²¢»áÓ°Ïìµ½ÈýÐÇ¡£

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The clock is ticking. Samsung announced its lowest third-quarter operating profit in three years on Oct. 6, citing flagging sales of its top-end Galaxy phones, heavy marketing and price-cutting to fight the drop, and decreased component orders all around. What¡¯s more, those results came before Apple AAPL 0.14% launched its iPhone 6 and 6 Plus phones, which carry larger screens that were once Samsung¡¯s sole purview and sold in record numbers.ʱ¼äÔÚÒ»·ÖÒ»ÃëµØÍÆÒÆ¡£10ÔÂ6ÈÕ£¬ÈýÐÇÐû¸æÁËÈýÄêÒÔÀ´µÍÓڵĵÚÈý¼¾¶ÈÓªÒµÀûÈó£¬Æä¸ß¶ËGalaxyϵÁÐÊÖ»úµÄÏúÁ¿µÍÃÔ¡¢ÎªÁËÓ¦¸¶ÏúÁ¿ÉÏÉý¶ø»¨·ÑµÄÉòÖØÓªÏú·ÑÓúͽµ¼Û³É±¾¡¢Á㲿¼þ¶©µ¥µÄÉÏÉý¶¼ÊÇÔì³ÉÀûÈó¼õÉÙµÄÔ­Òò¡£

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